Massive international recognition of new Danish app

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Written By DannyPalmer

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Only 3 weeks after the official launch, MeeW receives international attention from several US news sites. The creators will revolutionize the labor market and are ready to realize the potential inside and outside the borders of Denmark.

Massive international recognition of new Danish app

The ambitions behind MeeW were great from the moment Mikkel and Armin got the idea of ​​making a social address book, where you can swipe for the service or labor you are looking for. They will reform the way we work together – at home and across borders. But even the two entrepreneurs had not anticipated this kind of attention in the first month of the app.

The world’s leading online newspaper, Huffington Post, calls MeeW: “the new social media of the labor market”. American Medium describes the app as: “An innovative way to find competencies and talents globally and a simple way to spread your skills and find job opportunities when it suits you.” Before then, both BuzzFeed and World News had also introduced the possibilities in MeeW for their many readers.

“We are extremely pleased that so many see the potential in MeeW. We want to connect people across national borders, and it was our strategy to internationalize MeeW in 2018. But the fact that our platform already brings awareness abroad makes us move efforts on this side of New Year, “says Armin Kavousi, CEO and partner.


MeeW is a free marketplace for competencies, and the product traded is your qualities and talents. You fill in your profile, determine price and time, and let companies as well as private job-seekers find you. It is a peer-to-peer platform that connects Denmark, soon the United States and the world based on competencies and talent.

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In just 3 weeks, 3,500 users have signed up for MeeW. “Our users range from doctors, lawyers, football players, investors, CEOs, hairdressers, mechanics, craftsmen, dog lifts, etc. in all age groups. We have proven that we can gather the fragmented competency procurement market and pride ourselves on introducing a social media where skills are at the forefront.” explains Armin.

You can download MeeW for free on iOS and Android on AppStore and GooglePlay.

MeeW can be followed at and